A coach, bookseller, runner, mountaineer and social entrepreneur
that is how Sandeep Dutt humbly describes himself in his book, "My Good School".

Under Good Schools Alliance he has opened up a library just above The English Book Depot where  anyone can come and read books, discuss on topics and understand about the core method in which Good Schools Alliance functions. 
As one enters the room, you will be greeted by an enthusiastic Good Schools Alliance volunteer, 
When asked what made her join Good Schools Alliance?
She said, It were the 4S's, the grounding philosophy of Good Schools Alliance, 
which she wanted to imbibe in her before she went out into the professional world.

The 4S's - 
Education = Service , Skill, Sport and Study 
A grounding philosophy of The Duke Of Edinburgh's Award, a prestigious youth award founded by Prince Philip, Duke Of Edinburgh. 

As 'The Doon School', Gold Award recipient, 
which is now called The International Award For Young People,
little did he know that his three decades of volunteering would end up in him becoming the National Director of The Duke Of Edinburgh's Award, India branch, 

Sandeep has documented this journey of his, in his book called, "My Good School - Where Passion Meets Education."
A must read book for all budding parents, educators and  school administrators.

That's the print part, vocally he shares Good Schools Alliance module at various schools and educational summits.
He breaks down the first S for me and says, "when the child goes from his/her family space  to school and shares his personal space, food and things with his batchmates, 
that really is the first form of service". 
I would leave the other S's for the readers of the My Good School book to explore. 

We are all the culmination of the environment's we grow up in, imagine sending your child to an environment which would shape their raw skills.

Getting back to Sandeep, 
he has been actively implementing Good Schools Alliance philosophy at The Fabindia School for years now and so do all the schools where he visits.

Dreams that one day all schools across India would apply this philosophy. 
Say's, "Imagine the kind of environment we will give our kids, 
and to all the elders by encouraging a professional learning community",

and i wonder how does he imbibe such a selfless dream -
Maybe because that is how he was shaped while growing up :).


Tanvi, October 2023

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